
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4485
(248) 370-2154


课程描述 & 通识教育

The following is a listing of 宗教研究 courses with brief content descriptions. 六门课程满足大学通识教育要求, 其中两个也完成了密集的写作任务. 为特定的专题课程在给定的学期, consult the schedule of classes link within the 十大菠菜台子 tab on the OU website.


rel1100 -介绍宗教

至关重要的, 人类宗教经验的比较研究, as well as an examination of various methodological approaches employed by academic disciplines in the study of religion.

rel1150 -介绍伊斯兰教

前伊斯兰阿拉伯, Muhammad and early 伊斯兰教 history; the Qur’an and basic beliefs, practices and law; the 伊斯兰教 Caliphate; 伊斯兰教 in the modern world and Muslims in America; women in 伊斯兰教 and other contemporary issues. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the global perspective knowledge exploration area. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in general education. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement.

REL 1200 -介绍犹太教

宗教信仰, practices and philosophies embedded within the major historical experiences (Biblical and Diasporic) of Jewish people including main institutional branches of Judaism, 犹太文化的核心特征, 以及他们与非犹太群体和社会的关系. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the global perspective knowledge exploration area. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in general education. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement.

REL 1250 -介绍基督教

Key ideas, major concepts, and peculiar language of the Christian religious experience. 关注基督教的历史, 各种教派的信条和教义, 基督教的文化影响, 和基督教伦理体系. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the global perspective knowledge exploration area.

rel1850 -世界宗教传统

Examines the core teachings and practices of the world’s major religious traditions, 包括犹太教, 基督教, 伊斯兰教, 印度教, 佛教, 和中国宗教. 重点是在每个传统中发展的术语, 识别每个人试图解决的人类问题, and the insights and problematic issues that arise from these attempts. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the global perspective knowledge exploration area.

rel2100 -基本的宗教著作

Explores the various roles played by core texts within both Western and Eastern religious traditions. 对这些传统的基本文本进行了分析和比较, 揭示宗教生活的基本途径包含在每一个.

rel3100 -伊斯兰伦理

伊斯兰伦理的主要原则和理论. 将这些想法应用于森林砍伐问题, 全球变暖, 可持续性, 妇女的权利, 流产和克隆. 与其他哲学和宗教理论的比较.

rel3110 -基督教伦理

Study of the dialogue between philosophical ethics and the Christian tradition. Ethical models of Christian tradition from late Jewish moral theory through the Greeks, 罗马人, 直到现在. Christian perspectives on contemporary moral problems and 社会 issues.

*AN 3123 -魔法,巫术和宗教

前提条件:AN AN 1111.

REL 3130 -伊斯兰教在现代世界

政治探索, 社会, 文化, and religious 发展s in a diverse array of Muslim societies in the contemporary world. Examination of interaction between Western notions of modernity and 伊斯兰教. Analysis of Western influence on Muslim societies and Muslim responses to the West. Topical issues include 妇女的权利, democracy, and the rise of radical groups. 

REL 3140 -宗教在现代世界

关注现代世界宗教生活的关键问题. 主题的例子包括妇女在宗教领导中的作用, 科学与宗教的关系, 宗教原教旨主义, 以及宗教恐怖主义行为. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the knowledge applications integration area. Prerequisite for knowledge applications: completion of the general education requirement in the 社会 science or the global perspective knowledge exploration area, 不是两个.

哲学博士3150 -宗教哲学

Prerequisite(s): one course in philosophy or religious studies or permission of instructor.

*PHL 3155 -哲学和宗教的亚洲


rel3410 -美国宗教经验

对各种宗教传统的研究.g., 佛教, 天主教, 印度教, 伊斯兰教, 印第安人, Protestant) as these are understood and lived by followers within the modern pluralistic society of North America. 也关注世俗性, “NRM”(新宗教运动), 以及在美国诞生的精神信仰团体的出现.

REL 3420 -犹太历史

犹太历史的调查,从它的基础到更现代的时期, 包括犹太先祖之类的话题, 犹太王国, 罗马帝国的犹太人, 中世纪时期的犹太人, 以及犹太人在欧洲和美国的经历.

*SOC 3420 -宗教社会学

前提条件:SOC 1000或SOC 2200.

REL 3430 -犹太人在美国生活中的经历

犹太人作为美国少数民族的历史, 持不同意见的非基督教宗教团体, 移民:移民和种族群体, 一个文化群体. Emphasis on themes of assimilation and conflict, as well as contributions to American society.

REL 3440 -大屠杀

审查导致大屠杀的事件和促成因素. 具体主题包括欧洲反犹太主义的历史, 纳粹主义在德国的兴起, 纳粹犹太人政策, 纳粹统治下犹太人的生活, 设计和执行死亡集中营, 世界的反应, 以及大屠杀的意义.


历史考察, 发展, 以及美国穆斯林社区面临的挑战. Emphasis on the diversity of this community and its role in the greater Detroit area.

*ENG 3650 -圣经作为文学

Satisfies the university general education requirement in the literature knowledge exploration area. 先决条件:WRT 1060与等级2.0级或C级或更高级别和初级级别.

REL 3700 -创世纪的书

考察创世记的主要主题, 包括创建, 人与上帝的关系, 以及人性. Course will incorporate archaeology, rabbinic and Christian commentary, and literary analysis.

REL 3710 -犹太教的书面传统

Examination of Jewish sacred texts and their 发展 in Jewish history. 文本包括希伯来圣经, 塔木德, 早期神秘主义作品, 来自中世纪欧洲的祈祷文本, 以及卡巴拉. 文本均为英文翻译. A significant emphasis is placed on reading and the meaning of these texts.

REL 3720-概念的上帝和人在犹太教

Examination of how ideas of God and humans’ relationship to God are presented in Jewish religious texts and how they have evolved over time. Important issues include the nature of God, free will, sin, repentance, and the question of evil. 前提条件:推荐REL 1100或REL 1200.

REL 3728 -神秘和神秘的见解

犹太教的神秘元素, 基督教 and 伊斯兰教 with a focus on what constitutes mysticism and related religious ideas.  特别关注相关的神秘文本,包括圣经, 卡巴拉的, 基督教的沉思祈祷和伊斯兰的神秘主义.

REL 3730 -早期基督教灵性

社会, historical and textual study of how 基督教 as a new religion developed a unique spirituality enabling followers to approach their God using insights from Paul the Apostle, 福音书, St. 奥古斯丁和其他人.

REL 3750 -科学和宗教

Examines the relationship between religion and modern science from an historical and contemporary perspective. Scientific descriptions of reality are compared and contrasted with contemporary expressions of religious belief. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the knowledge applications integration area. Prerequisite for knowledge applications: completion of the general education requirement in the natural science and technology knowledge exploration area.

REL 3900 -专题在宗教研究

Topics in history, literature, culture and philosophy of different religious traditions. 可以在不同的副标题下重复以获得额外的学分吗.

rel4920 -在宗教研究指导阅读

对现有课程中未涵盖的主题进行个人研究. 可以重复以获得额外的学分吗. Prerequisite(s): REL 1100 and REL 2100 and permission of concentration coordinator.

rel4950 -宗教社区项目实习

在经批准的宗教社区项目中实习. 专业笔记, 定期咨询项目主管, 而分析论文的经验是要求的一部分. Prerequisite(s): minor or concentration in religious studies and permission of program director.

*符合宗教研究的要求. 以前与宗教研究课程交叉列出.


Six courses in 宗教研究 currently fulfill university general education requirements:

  • REL 1150
  • REL 1200
  • REL 1250
  • REL 1850
  • REL 3140
  • REL 3750

Two courses in 宗教研究 currently fulfill university writing intensive requirements:

  • REL 1150
  • REL 1200


rel1150 -介绍伊斯兰教

前伊斯兰阿拉伯, Muhammad and early 伊斯兰教 history; the Qur’an and basic beliefs, practices and law; the 伊斯兰教 Caliphate; 伊斯兰教 in the modern world and Muslims in America; women in 伊斯兰教 and other contemporary issues. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the global perspective knowledge exploration area. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in general education. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement.

REL 1200 -介绍犹太教

宗教信仰, practices and philosophies embedded within the major historical experiences (Biblical and Diasporic) of Jewish people including main institutional branches of Judaism, 犹太文化的核心特征, 以及他们与非犹太群体和社会的关系. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the global perspective knowledge exploration area. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in general education. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement.

REL 1250 -介绍基督教

Key ideas, major concepts, and peculiar language of the Christian religious experience. 关注基督教的历史, 各种教派的信条和教义, 基督教的文化影响, 和基督教伦理体系. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the global perspective knowledge exploration area.

rel1850 -世界宗教传统

Examines the core teachings and practices of the world’s major religious traditions, 包括犹太教, 基督教, 伊斯兰教, 印度教, 佛教, 和中国宗教. 重点是在每个传统中发展的术语, 识别每个人试图解决的人类问题, and the insights and problematic issues that arise from these attempts. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the global perspective knowledge exploration area.

REL 3140 -宗教在现代世界

关注现代世界宗教生活的关键问题. 主题的例子包括妇女在宗教领导中的作用, 科学与宗教的关系, 宗教原教旨主义, 以及宗教恐怖主义行为. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the knowledge applications integration area. Prerequisite for knowledge applications: completion of the general education requirement in the 社会 science or the global perspective knowledge exploration area, 不是两个.

REL 3750 -科学和宗教

Examines the relationship between religion and modern science from an historical and contemporary perspective. Scientific descriptions of reality are compared and contrasted with contemporary expressions of religious belief. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the knowledge applications integration area. Prerequisite for knowledge applications: completion of the general education requirement in the natural science and technology knowledge exploration area.


宗教研究 offers some courses cross-listed with other academic units of the University.  Students may use such courses to fulfill requirements for 宗教研究 or for the companion department. 这样的合作部门包括:人类学, 英语, 历史, 哲学, 政治科学, 和社会学.


There are no cross-listed courses for the 2023/2024 academic school year at this time.